The Team

The European Federation for Company Sport (EFCS) is a voluntary nonprofit organisation since 1962 based in Paris and gathering 36 national company sport federations. These national federations are referent associations in their own countries to organize activities related to company sport. Most of these federations’ members are companies
which differ in size, form and activity.
EFCS represents 17 million athletes, 150.000 clubs related to company sport, 41.000 companies, 900 employees in national federations, 50 sport disciplines from soccer, volleyball and golf to bridge, mountain biking, petanque and sailing, 21 summer company sport games since 1977 (average figures: 7.000 participants, 30 disciplines, 1.000 staff, employees and volunteers), and 15 winter company sport games since 1990 (average figures: 500 participants, 7 disciplines, 100 staff, employees and volunteers).
The EFCS’ main objective is to promote and develop sport practice in the professional environment across Europe. Company sport covers all types of sport and physical activities that can be organised by a company and in its premises. Company is here identified as the field of the workplace so that administrations and local authorities can be considered in this field. The federation’s values and topics are health and well-being enhancement, togetherness, nondiscrimination,ecological awareness, diversity and gender equality, social inclusion and relationships.

The Fédération Française du Sport d’Entreprise is a recent federation created in 2003 to meet the sporting expectations of companies. The FFSE’s aim is to develop regular physical exercise and sports activities for employees, in the interests of health, well-being and corporate performance.
79 % Of employees perceive sport as a factor of attractiveness: « company where you want to work. »
The FFSE offers a number of solutions to facilitate and secure the practice of physical activities, and supports companies at every stage of their project.
To this end, it has created a solution
It organizes in-company and inter-company events and provides training.
To do so, it works with partners with proven expertise.

The Hellenic Organization for Company Sport & Health (HOCSH) is a Νοn Profit Organization that aims to bring together companies, employees, sport organizations, other NGO’s and the society by facilitating social exchange and health improvement through sport and recreational activities within the company environment.
Additionally, HOCSH aims to promote active lifestyle amongst Employees’ family members, especially youth, in order to nurture sport culture and raise health consciousness among future Employee generations.
HOCSH is the authorized Hellenic member of the World Company Sport Games (WCSG) and the European Federation for Company Sport (EFCS) and operates under its auspices facilitating the participation of Hellenic Company teams in International Sport events.

Latvian Sport for All Association (LTSA) is a grassroot sport organization with more than 30 years of experience (founded in 1991). Main goals of LTSA are to promote grassroot sport development in Latvia, involving inhabitants of all age and social groups, irrespective of their race, political or religious status – sport for all, promote the development of united, cohesive society in Latvia via participation in sport for all activities, establishment of cooperation network with similar organisations to coordinate sport for all development in Latvia, stimulate international collaborations with similar organization in Europe and worldwide, to educate the society about the importance of healthy lifestyle, to organize and support the organization of sports events.
LTSA is state-recognized sports organization, that has right to lead and coordinate the work in grassroot sport in Latvia, and to represent the state in the following organisations: International Workers and Amateurs in Sports Confederation (CSIT), European Federation for Company Sport (EFCS), International Sport and Culture Association (ISCA), The Association For International Sport for All (TAFISA), International Nordic Walking Federation (INWA), World Federation for Company Sport (WFCS).
LTSA has experience in organizing multi-sport events, championships, beach-volleyball event, health-enhancing, disease prevention and educational grassroot sports events, family sports festivals, Nordic walking mass events and Nordic walking championship (every year 5-6 stages, different age groups), Latvian Health sport week (MOVE Week) with 40 000 – 70 000 participants is being organized for more than 10 years, and we were the organisers of the first European Week of Sport in Latvia in 2015.

Originally named The Government & Parastatal Entity and was formed way back in 1976. It organized the 1st football league with 28 teams participating. The name of the association was changed to Malta Employees Sport Association (MESA) in 2003 after several entities were privatized. Around 12 disciplines are organized on a regular basis with good participation by both males and females in athletics, football, badminton, beach volley, tennis, snooker, darts, bowling, & table-tennis, amongst others. MESA for the past years (2015 to-date) has also organised various sports activities as part of the #BeActive European Week of Sport Campaign.

Sport and Citizenship is the leading European think tank in the field of sport. Created in 2007 after the publication of the White Paper on sport, it aims to support the development of the European dimension of sport and is dedicated to the study of European public policies in the field of sport, and the promotion of sport’s societal impact. Sport and Citizenship has been committed since its very beginning to the launch of a European civic dialogue in the field of sport thanks to multidisciplinary and transverse reflections aiming at putting European sport stakeholders. Reflections produced are then brought to the attention of policy makers with the objective that is recognised at the European level. As such, it is recognised as a privileged interlocutor by the European institutions and the sport movement and works in close cooperation with a wide range of sport organisations (European leagues and federations, national associations, NGOs, sponsors, public institutions).

Sports Union of Slovenia (SUS) as the largest national sports for all organization connects different sports organizations, associations, clubs and individuals working in the field of sports recreations and sport for all in Slovenia. It unites over 180 organisations and has over 60.000 members scattered all over Slovenia. Their common goal is to promote healthy lifestyle and active use of leisure time.
The Sports Union of Slovenia aims to encourage participation in physical activity, and contributes to the development of physical literacy and sport for all sector on the national level.
SUS belongs to the network of EFCS (European Federation for Company Sport), TAFISA (The Association For International Sport for All), ISCA (International Sport and Culture Association), EOSE Observatory, FARE (Football Against Racism Europe), FISp (Federation International Sport pour Toust) and ICSSPE (International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education).
Regular activities of SUS:
- management and coordination of various international and national programmes and initiatives in sport for all;
- education and additional training and improvement of professional and organisational staff
- organisation of national and international sports meetings, seminars, conferences, congresses and other forms of dealing with professional topics in the field of sport and recreation and physical education;
- linking of sports clubs that deal with sport and recreation, physical education and other forms of sport;
- cooperation with other sports organisations and stakeholders, cross-sector cooperation with interested partners on national and international level,
- promotion of spatial planning and building of sports facilities and sports equipment of appropriate capacity and according to the most recent standards.

Camilo José Cela University was founded in the year 2000 as part of SEK Education Group and its mission is to serve society by educating professionals of the future and preparing them for the new challenges. UCJC pursues innovation and constant evolution to meet the needs business and society and the highest levels of rigour and excellence. Its strategic axes are entrepreneurship, technology and digitization, social commitment and well-being.
At Camilo José Cela University we want to do things differently. The world is continually evolving and in the face of these new challenges we offer a flexible and transversal education, fostering an entrepreneurial spirit, social innovation and helping our students acquire technological skills, essential for their personal and professional future.
As a BCorp company, we lead a global movement promoting ethical values and innovation, contributing to the construction of a more sustainable, shared and lasting future. Our goal is for our students to be the best for the world. For SEK Education Group, this accreditation not only endorses our organisational model and our processes. We try to put each member of our community at the centre of our model, driven by a sense of purpose that is based on the passion, mission, professionalism and vocation that we express through our activities.
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