Run for Diversity first steps

Category:Steering committee

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Since 2014, the FFSE has organized the annual Course de la diversité across France. La Course de la Diversité is a race that takes place takes place in September and October, for a dynamic and sporting start to the in your company. Run or walk solo or in pairs over 3 km or 6 km! The race, open to all, embodies the values of diversity in the workplace, with 3 duo rankings: disabled, mixed and intergenerational.

In order to sustain and extend this great initiative, the FFSE would like to share its national experience at a European level supported by a consortium bringing together national company sport federations as well EU and national organisations that are benchmarked in terms of reflection and knowledge about diversity and social inclusion. Moreover, a university particularly involved in the topics of social inclusion, sport and innovation.

Run4Div impact will be to create a sustainable circuit of Diversity Races in Europe, propose to companies durable programs and activations around diversity in sport and engage more and more companies, employees in a sustainable company sport programs. Through Run4Div, we will contribute to promote social inclusion and cohesion at UE level.

The leader

  • Fédération Française du Sport d’Entreprise- FFSE (France)


  • European Federation for Company Sport – EFCS
  • Hellenic organization for Company Sport and Health – HOSCH(Greece)
  • Latvijas Tautas Sporta Asociācija -LTSA (Latvia)
  • Malta Employees Sports Association- MESA (Malta)
  • Sport et Citoyenneté – S&C (France)
  • Sport Union of Slovenia- SUS (Slovenia)
  • Universidad Camilo José Cela- UCJC (Spain)
The first meeting of this project was held in Paris on February 27 and 28, 2023.

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