
This page contains all documents produced by the project, including activity reports, final tools and all other related materials.


January 2023 - December 2023

Panorama and state of the art: the diversity and sport at EU level in the field of the workplace

A 60-page report (2 pages per country) but also a summary-analysis. Document in English + Summary in the languages of the consortium.


January 2023 - April 2023

Specifications documents and pedagogical guideline: R4D Guideline (1st edition)

A 60-page report (Document in English + Summary in the languages of the consortium.

January 2023

Steering Committee 1

Paris – France.

Watch the image

April 2023 - February 2024

Semi structured interviews with companies to discuss the role of diversity and sport in their management policy (and around sustainable development)

20 to 30 pages of report + annexes with transcripts of interviews undertaken + – English + Summary in the languages of the consortium.

April - September 2023

Stakeholders targets mapping

April 2023

Steering Committee 2


July 2023 - January 2024

Technical specifications, terms and conditions to design the e-Run digital platform

Two types of specifications document to be carried out: one specification document for basic needs expression, 1 specification document more technical that explored side by side the technical needs and requests to be complementary to our validated first phase of needs expression.

July 2023 - April 2024

Sustainable training programs and toolkits to implement PA and diversity initiatives within the workplace

It aimed to answer how not to make the race a one-shot event and offer companies support programs and solutions for sports / diversity upstream but also after the race. It will also encompass the ability to carry out a study of the impact of the Race on the practice of physical activity but also on the perception of diversity by the participants to see the evolution or on their perception of the green in sport.

July 2023

Steering Committee 3


August 2023 - January 2024

Specifications documents and pedagogical guideline: R4D Guideline (2nd edition)

A 60-page report (Document in English + Summary in the languages of the consortium.

September 2023 - April 2024

Eco-friendly charter

A charter of eco-responsible commitments that translate into practice and operationally in the organization of races but that will also refer to other company sport events or even reusable for other races. It will encompass topics such as transport, waste, energy, water, social commitments…

September 2023

Steering Committee 4

Brussel – Belgium.

Watch the image

September 2023

R4D Pilot n°1 – R4D FRANCE 9th edition

October 2023



November 2023

Steering Committee 5


November 2023

Conference Brussels

Determine the objectives and expectations for the sustainability and eco-responsibility of the R4D project.

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December 2023 - April 2024

European survey: physical activity, sustainable development, and diversity within EU Workplaces

20 to 30 pages of report + survey results – English + Summary in the languages of the consortium.

September 2024

R4D LATVIA 1st edition


January 2024

Steering Committee 6

La Valette – Malta.

February 2024 - April 2024

Internal E – R4D Digital sport event

Testing the mobile application through connected races reserved for R4D project partners.

April 2024

Steering Committee 7


July 2024

Steering Committee 8


August 2024 - January 2025

Specifications documents and pedagogical guideline: R4D Guideline (Final edition)

A 60-page report (Document in English + Summary in the languages of the consortium.

September 2024

R4D MALTA 1st edition

September 2024

R4D SLOVENIA 1st edition

September 2024

R4D GREECE 1st edition

September 2024

R4D EUROPE 1st edition – EFCS

November 2024

Steering Committee 9

Madrid – Spain.

November 2024 - June 2025

E – Run4Div for all- digital sport event

Organise E-R4D in as many EFCS member countries as possible for salaries from all over Europe.


Febuary 2025

Steering Committee 10


March - June 2025

Final Guidebook

May 2025

Final Conference: online

Present the results of the races and E-Courses – Present the results of the impact analysis on the participating individuals and companies.